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Swingers Forum - Romantix arcade

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Romantix adult viewing rooms Evanston wife/Self like to hang out enjoy a show
We’ll be passing through there on Monday and will be at romantix
Got told they got rid of the arcade and made it one big open theater and wasn't allowed to do anything anymore.
A store was temporarily shut down for that kind of activity going on. They're probably no longer willing to risk their business licenses for illegal activity...
You can still play there…it’s open rooms instead of closed off rooms now.
We have been wanting to stop by but didn’t know if play is allowed. Guess there is one way to find out😉
I went through mid day and it was a ghost town.
Please allow me to share :
I offer it as an example of the kinds of things adults will do when provoked with opportunity.

But in places around Evanston opportunity needs to be cultivated.

Its like a house party but in some motel; Out of town
You all just need to talk amongst yourself's.
If you want a wing man or need a DD I know Gary & we are accommodating
Anyone going here today sometime after 1