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Swingers Forum - Speaking at a funeral

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I've been asked to speak at a funeral for a 2 year old on Saturday, I've asked everyone I can think of and nobody has any suggestions for my opening and closing statements, I hate to bring such a somber topic here, but I figure with such a wide variety of people here, that you guys might have some suggestions. By opening and closing statements, I mean the first few and last few words I would say before my "speech" I hope that makes sense. I've only ever given a best man speech at a wedding, whereas the atmosphere was obviously much lighter and more fun, and not nearly as much pressure, I'm proud to take this burden for the family, but I'm a bit nervous about my inexperience speaking publicly.

I'm only going to know the immediate family, so the only thing I can think of is to thank everyone for coming at the beginning and end, but I'm hoping for some better ideas.

Thanks guys.
Mr. Google is my go to for things like this. I hope it goes well and I'm sorry for your loss and the family's. ❤
Unfortunately there are no great answers. I find speaking from the heart can never go wrong. Start with the fact you are at a loss for words to start. Be Authenticate and real. If you do that you cannot go wrong.
There are no words for this situation. And that’s the only thing to say.

“I’ve been asked to speak a few words, and can find none. This requires an insight into life’s mysteries that I simply do not have. All we can do here is honor this short and precious life - and offer what consolation we can to those who must go on.”

Honor and console as you can…

“I conclude simply that we honor this life best by being kind to each other and ourselves. To shower the love we meant for this little spirit on others who need it. As grief can overwhelm, perhaps love can instead redeem. My heart goes out to you all.”

Good luck…
Please, whatever you do, DON'T say or even insinuate that this precious little child was somehow "needed in heaven" more than here on earth. I know that some think that saying something like that might somehow be comforting in some weird way but I assure you that it's not in the LEAST bit comforting and every time I hear it at a funeral for someone who died long before they should have it makes me extremely mad. Otherwise, some good suggestions from Saratoga.
I would simply get up and share my favorite memory of him or her and leave it at that
SaratogaSexyFun wrote:

There are no words for this situation. And that’s the only thing to say.
“I’ve been asked to speak a few words, and can find none. This requires an insight into life’s mysteries that I simply do not have. All we can do here is honor this short and precious life - and offer what consolation we can to those who must go on.”
Honor and console as you can…
“I conclude simply that we honor this life best by being kind to each other and ourselves. To shower the love we meant for this little spirit on others who need it. As grief can overwhelm, perhaps love can instead redeem. My heart goes out to you all.”
Good luck…

Well stated!
Agreed, I wish I was as good as Saratoga with words! I'm probably gonna steal some of it.

I think agnostic best fits my views on religion, so I'm definitely not gonna be saying anything about heaven. 😁

The father (my cousin) and I have been close in the past, but I honestly didn't know his boy too well, the family is going to probably give me the life sketch, but I'm mostly trying to figure out what the few words I say before getting into it should be, as well as the words to close when I am finished.
FunCouple84020 wrote:

So want her at my funeral!!!