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I'm not sure if I can post a go fund me for a family member in need in the forums here. I couldn't find an admin to see if it was allowed or not. I won't post the link here until I hear from an admin that it is OK but long story short my wife's sister is going through some very bad things and if you are interested to have the link to read up on the go fund me please dm me and I'll give you the link. Once again admins if not allowed please delete and let me know or if it is allowed please let me know as well thank you.
Just post it. Admin here are are not very responsive.
Imagine being in an abusive relationship, & finally having the courage to get away, but do not have a penny to your name to make it a reality. Then the realization hits you of having to leave behind all of your belongings and starting over from scratch with 4 sad and confused little ones aged 4 & under to provide for....

this is the current situation of my foster sister that lives in Ohio that has been in this bad situation for 4 years and finally reached out to me to let me know of the horrors she is enduring, even at this very moment. The person she is trying to escape from has always had complete control over every thing in her life. He has isolated her from friends and family and controls who and when she can speak to, will not allow her to own a car, and refuses to do anything that does not personally benefit himself. He is not legally allowed to live in her house for various legal reasons but refuses to move out and claims he lives somewhere else on paper. They are not married yet he takes all of her state assisted money by not allowing her control of the debit card the money is loaded on. He waits for her to file her taxes then uses the tax returns on frivolous items for his car that is only in his name. The list goes on, but the most damaging is the emotional and verbal abuse she receives. For years she has taken the punishment, however the abuse has now turned physical not only to her but to the children as well in the past couple of weeks. Her & her babies are scared to death and have nobody else to turn to. We are trying to move her to stay with me & my family in Utah, however, she currently resides 1,700+ miles away in Ohio...

Moving the 5 of them here is not easy or cheap. And although our goal is 2,500.00 to get them safe, this cost only covers moving them and a few suitcases of clothes and basic necessities. They are leaving behind all of their beds, toys, books, furniture, and electronics because safety and security is more important. If you are unable to donate simply sharing the post may reach another who can. Any donated amount will help her & her 4 sweet babies escape this domestic violence and find peace & happiness, in safety....

Thank you for taking the time to read. ❤

Thank you to those of you who have messaged me privately. I'm getting a lot of questions regarding how this gofundme is helping the victims family and advice about different resources to reach out to. Thank you for the resources, we are in contact with several and are hoping for the best. All the funds collected are being put towards moving expenses. If we are unable to obtain enough money for a moving truck we are going to move them without their belongings and we will use the funds to help them start over with clothing, furniture, toys, etc. Thank you for your help and support with donating and sharing the donation link.