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Swingers Forum - Wear your damn masks!

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Floppy Dick

"Although medical experts have suggested that the coronavirus is much deadlier for men, studies have found that the male population is far less likely to take measures that could significantly reduce their chances of infection. But if the prospect of death isn't enough to scare men into wearing masks or practice social distancing, perhaps the threat of impotence will."
Are you saying cover up butter cup?
Utahldscouple wrote:

Are you saying cover up butter cup?

I'm saying I wonder how many swinger dudes are strict about wearing condoms so they don't get crotch cooties but aren't all that worried about wearing a mask during a COVID-19 pandemic. If ED becomes something that even a SMALL percentage of men who get COVID suffer from I wonder if THAT will be the thing that makes them (grudgingly) wear a mask.

Utahldscouple wrote:

Are you saying cover up butter cup?

I'm saying I wonder how many swinger dudes are strict about wearing condoms so they don't get crotch cooties but aren't all that worried about wearing a mask during a COVID-19 pandemic. If ED becomes something that even a SMALL percentage of men who get COVID suffer from I wonder if THAT will be the thing that makes them (grudgingly) wear a mask.
Doubt it. They have higher chances of getting an STD than dying of COVID or getting ED from it.
Here are the number of total deaths (US) attributed to ALL causes for each year.

What say you? Your all being controlled n told by government and especially the media a bunch of bullshit. Yes covid can kill. Not anymore than any year prior without covid

2013: 2,596,993
2014: 2,626,418
2015: 2,712,630
2016: 2,744,248
2017: 2,813,503
2018: 2,839,205
2019: 2,855,000
2020: as of 11/14 total deaths= 2,512,880
Easy2226 wrote:

Here are the number of total deaths (US) attributed to ALL causes for each year.
What say you? Your all being controlled n told by government and especially the media a bunch of bullshit. Yes covid can kill. Not anymore than any year prior without covid
2013: 2,596,993
2014: 2,626,418
2015: 2,712,630
2016: 2,744,248
2017: 2,813,503
2018: 2,839,205
2019: 2,855,000
2020: as of 11/14 total deaths= 2,512,880
Not sure the number of deaths matter as much as the deaths per 1,000. The last five years that number has increased by .1% year over year. Definitely not the spike I would have suspected. Then again, the year isn't over yet :D!
You know what's even WEIRDER? Taking a forum post that's making fun of the juxtaposition of COVID and erectile dysfunction and going off on death rates and such. Lighten up, my friends. Life is good. A vaccine (or three!) is probably on the way, Santa is coming soon, snow is predicted for next weekend so we might get to ski. Oh, and in less than 45 days Diaper Don leaves for retirement at Mar-a-Lago (assuming they can get those major sewer upgrades done in time).

We can’t just wander around COSTCO not wearing a condom and give the people around us an STD. Yes as lifestyle people we are already somewhat predisposed to a somewhat riskier social life than what a lot of other people might find acceptable for themselves. With a virus that’s airborne it’s not that difficult to pass it along with out the consent or such close proximity a sex to those around us. Hence, the mask recommendations. Swingers that don’t understand respect an or consent, will tend create drama.

Amen. Particularly the last sentence in your opine.
Helpful mom getting her unicorn daughter ready for the orgy...and for COVID.

Best sex I ever had was wearing a mask . . . oh wait - were we talking about Covid masks? Withdrawn.
the vaccine is cuming soon. So is somebody else I know! 😎