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Swingers Forum - Go heavy or high reps?

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Gimme you’re expert opinion. Who else could you trust besides lifestyle folks?
Combination of both, plus some hiit cardio, but for the majority on here they need to work on...10 sets of stop eating so much! 🧘‍♀️🚴‍♂️🏊‍♀️🧗‍♂️🏋️‍♂️👍🏻
Bwahaha. God love ya!
I just wish I could find a dedicated gym partner around Grantsville
I kind of let my body tell me what it needs. If I'm feeling strong I definitely go heavy and if I'm super sore from a previous workout or just don't have a lot of energy I go with lighter/more reps. For me, the best way to usually tell if I need to go light or even take a rest day is by how quickly my heart rate spikes and doesn't go down quickly when I stop exerting myself. And def HIIT. I used to run a LOT (all distances up to and including marathons) and it was super tough to keep muscle on that way. I get way more bang for my buck doing intervals 2 or 3 times a week instead of long slow runs that just beat up my joints. YMMV

ps- And, like SOMEWHERE said, fewer reps to the refrigerator!
Plus HIIT gives you more stamina in the bedroom
Damn, might be worth the drive.
don't ask us, ask this dude: https://www.jimstoppani.com/

Well I know who to go for on my next tattoo design
A combination of both high reps lower weight and low reps with heavy weight builds out a balanced workout plan. I hate cardio and would rather lift but I have to do cardio to Lean out.
Dudeperfect wrote:

Well I know who to go for on my next tattoo design

go check out his website, he's got a ton of workouts, and diet plans

Jim Stoppani
Whatever form of exercise you enjoy...consistency is the key, but always remember it’s almost impossible to out train a bad diet. 🙌🏋️‍♂️🙌

Whatever form of exercise you enjoy...consistency is the key, but always remember it’s almost impossible to out train a bad diet. 🙌🏋️‍♂️🙌

Agreed then with dieting now we go into another realm of crazy whether counting macros, calories. Keto or balanced. OMAD or Intermittent.
Find a weight you can do for 10 reps 3 sets do that for 3 weeks, then go heavier for 5 reps 3sets for 3 weeks. Then take the weight you did for 10 and do 15 reps 3 sets for 3 weeks, then take the weight you did for 5 and do 10 reps and so on and so forth. That way you get reps and heavy. Also its about finding what works for your body.
My .02 from a gym newb.

First two weeks I’d go heavy @5 x5 , change nothing diet wise, but get a calorie tracker app and track all you eat. That way you will add some muscle, especially if you have gone for a month or more (newbie gains!), and more muscle always requires more calories so it will burn more fat later on.
But then you have to decide to slim down (cut) or build up (bulk) and eat and train for that. Us over 40 guys can bulk like nothing else, it’s the dieting to trim and tone that’s hard.
Another great trick to throw in on those hard to gain areas is 3x7. This is 3 reps, rest, then 4, rest then 5 ect.
BodySpace is a good app to track reps and weight. I’ve had it for a long time before they did a paid thing so I have some of the before mentioned Jim S workout plans on it.
Depends on what your goals are etc. Age plays in there along with eating habits etc
HIIT using the Super Slow protocol. Check out the book written by Dr. Doug McGuff and John Little called Body By Science.
I was sure this couldn’t be about lifting... was I wrong. Fun to see a convo in here like this. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a one stop solution for every body?! A specific routine and nutrition plan that would meet your goals? I’d pay big bucks for that!!!
JEFFSMITH1972 wrote:

don't ask us, ask this dude: https://www.jimstoppani.com/


His tattoos though!!!!
True! You do wanna do both. High reps and a day to go heavy. When you are faced with this Delima there’s only 1 real and true answer. GO HEAVY FOR ALOT OF REPS!!! In your mind theres nothing that’s heavy. Good luck
True! You do wanna do both. High reps and a day to go heavy. When you are faced with this Delima there’s only 1 real and true answer. GO HEAVY FOR ALOT OF REPS!!! In your mind theres nothing that’s heavy. Good luck
We are competitive powerlifters and strongman/woman so we go both heavy low rep for power but also must keep our quick twitch muscles working so we do an even snot of dynamic training. Most of our cardio is done with yoke walk, tire flip, farmers carry and then treadmill work.
at my heaviest, I was 240...I think it depends what you're trying to accomplish. weight loss? tone or bulk up? I needed to lose weight so I did low weights, high reps and a ton of cardio. did keto for a bit and then intermittent fast. me personally, I feel fasting did better than keto but you do have to watch what you eat.
that was before....here's after lost 60 lbs
that was before....here's after lost 60 lbs
CAMPOE wrote:

that was before....here's after lost 60 lbs

Great job CAMPOE! That is amazing! We should celebrate success.
Fuck ya!

I’m happy at my weight. I’d like to gain more muscle and drop bf % but I’m going to try to go slower.

I dropped the bro split and have been doing push pull routines to switch it up.
i have been lifting for a long time and i use to life as heavy as i could to the point were i would even puke,,what i can tell u although lifting heavy feels great for ur head as well as it does feel great body wise u are destroying ur joints and ligaments and once u turn that corner there is no going back, i know because i made that turn...
But the good news is i have found a workout on u tube that works GREAT.. u do all ur normal set but do them this way!
1. you do 8 reps were u (Example Chest)u extended take 3 to 5 sec to fully extended then hold at the top for the same amount of time, then come down to were the bar is at ur chest and again hold for the same amount of time,,,for 8 reps ( by the 7th rep u should start to feel like it harder)
2. Then after the 8th rep u do with out stopping 12 reps at normal speed. so one set of 3 times would be a total of 60 reps... u will have an amazing pump and get great results with minimal impact to ur joints and ligaments.

BTW that pic is when i was 49 years old if anyone has any question feel free to text me 435 602 9395. i also work out at vasa in sandy and would be willing to offer any tips when i am there..no i am not a personal trainer looking for clients just offering help