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Swingers Forum - No Garments Needed

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Well the Mormon Church accepts and has gay and lesbian members. The thing is as long as they don't practice gay and lesbianism they're fine as members of the church. It when they start to act on their urges it's when they get in trouble.

I'm guessing the same goes for this group of naked yoga goers. You can look, just don't touch. How hard could that be???? Haha
TightAndDelightsome wrote:

If it keeps me out of the celestial kingdom, I’m all for it!
Could you imagine the hell that would be?Spending an eternity with that uncle-in-law that you can barely stand for a few hours at thanksgiving? No thanks, I’ll take outer darkness please... the crowd there is going to be way cooler anyways. 🤘

When you think about it, if the Devil wants us to be bad, why would he punish us for eternity for being bad. My theory is that Hell will be one big fucking EPIC party while Heaven will be pretty much General Conference 24/7. LMFAO!
TightAndDelightsome wrote:

I feel the same way man. When you die, look me up! I’ll buy you a martini! 🍸

A nonalcoholic celestial martini. The rest of us will be down in the terrestrial Kingdom drinking gasoline and everclear =D.
So we are supposed to wear the garment day and night there are times for exceptions. Including bathing which you do nude typically. We like to do so with others 😀!
We're nudists it's not hard to look but not touch lol we've been nudists forever maybe that makes it easier. Sure there's some sexy people but we don't get to worked up; )