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Swingers Forum - Has anyone else in UT seen this new story?

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Has anyone else seen thisNews Story?
First I've heard of it.
I wonder if they're going to cancel the Christmas party?
Whoa! Story says the fuzz took their 'puter too. Hope they didn't have autofill for their passwords or lotsa cops are gonna be pervin' and jerkin' it to all of our pics here in Swingularland...assuming they fix the glitch and pics are actually viewable. Also hope they don't have some kind of database of people's email addresses for people who attended their parties...not to make anyone paranoid or anything.
Oh wow....this was a lifestyler? That's awful. The question is who "dimed" on them? A disgruntled client?
Are they in the Massage group? Or something?
1st I've heard of it but I don't hang out in newspapers to see or read about things like this. Sounds like the person getting the full body treatment didn't like it and reported them to get them back. Maybe the lady from the Hatch Report.

Oh wow....this was a lifestyler? That's awful. The question is who "dimed" on them? A disgruntled client?

Is "dimed" still even a word since there really aren't many (any?) pay phones anymore? LOL


Oh wow....this was a lifestyler? That's awful. The question is who "dimed" on them? A disgruntled client?

Is "dimed" still even a word since there really aren't many (any?) pay phones anymore? LOL

It's just such a delightful part of the "street" lexicon....I vote we keep it. Like the phrase "In like Flynn". Which meant you were always getting "in" to women like actor Aryl Flynn(sp)


Oh wow....this was a lifestyler? That's awful. The question is who "dimed" on them? A disgruntled client?

Is "dimed" still even a word since there really aren't many (any?) pay phones anymore? LOL

It sounded better than "who phone carded on them"


[quote=ERASEDPANTS]Oh wow....this was a lifestyler? That's awful. The question is who "dimed" on them? A disgruntled client?

Is "dimed" still even a word since there really aren't many (any?) pay phones anymore? LOL

It sounded better than "who phone carded on them"[/quote]

Hahaha. Touché
Pondering...why didn't we see this story on KSL's website? Hmmmm

2nd thought, would this mean that my 2:30 appointment is cancelled?

Whoa! Story says the fuzz took their 'puter too. Hope they didn't have autofill for their passwords or lotsa cops are gonna be pervin' and jerkin' it to all of our pics here in Swingularland...assuming they fix the glitch and pics are actually viewable. Also hope they don't have some kind of database of people's email addresses for people who attended their parties...not to make anyone paranoid or anything.

Anyone who created a Lifestyle Manor account should be concerned that to register you provided an email address ... and unless you took exceptional precautions in the creation of that email account the computer techs can trace email accounts to the owner who created it with minimal effort (gawd bless the Homeland Security Act). Yes, an even bigger concern would be that Ross kept a simple database of names that went with each email, and the morality police would take an inordinate interest in our collective deviancy. Not to make anyone paranoid or anything.
Wait a sec. Don't tell me the "morality police" is a thing too. I'mma head down into my "Oh shit, they elected WHO?" bunker with Ms. Evil until this blows over. Anybody wanna join us? We don't have a hot tub or a massage table but we have a pallet of military surplus condoms, a straw mattress and a 50 gallon drum of generic licorice flavored booze (think Costco's brand of Jager).
The news just is running of thing that write about so they have to create stories and slander people lifes. So what they were giving massages with happy ending it happens all the time and all over the world. Only in Utah this is front page news. They are a great couple and host some of the funniest lifestyle events. Hopefully every goes good for them and they can get back to normal life. I'm kinda of sick of the media poking there noses in people life's to sell a few more papers. My two cents

Are they in the Massage group? Or something?

They have no affiliation to the massage group in any way. Very unfortunate turn of events for lifestylers. We wish them all the best also and hope this doesn't turn into a bashing session. Real life can come up swinging sometimes and no matter how good our curve ball is there is always a chance that someone can connect with it and send it over the wall. Best wishes all around!
KNR84088 wrote:


Are they in the Massage group? Or something?

They have no affiliation to the massage group in any way. Very unfortunate turn of events for lifestylers. We wish them all the best also and hope this doesn't turn into a bashing session. Real life can come up swinging sometimes and no matter how good our curve ball is there is always a chance that someone can connect with it and send it over the wall. Best wishes all around!

Indeed. I don't know them. I didn't know if the story was just being discussed in general? Or if they were from Swingular. Others answered that for us. I hope it goes well for them. You are absolutely right R, it is bad for those who massage and those who love to be massaged.
We also wish them the best! They have always treated us with class and respect!!!!
Yes we have. Had dealings with Ross and vicki in the past and ended up taking them to court to recover over 5000.00. Its a shame that they are the kind of people they are, but we did enjoy their parties at the Mansion, to which I rennovated.
For those couples that feel that the Easthopes are good people, Im glad that you have'nt had legal issues w/them. They did have great parties, and we've met some great people at the Mansion, however if Ross and Vicki are conducting business w/o a license and taking advantage of people through illegal means than Im sorry to say that they should not be allowed to continue. For those of you that are not familiar with Glen (i.e. Ross) you might be interested in knowing that he has a record both in Canada and in the United States. Yes he's a great Host along with Vicki, but I cannot condone their methods or conduct when it comes to the law. They've hosted some great parties and Im sorry to see this happen to them, I only wish that those of us in the lifestyle can find Hosts as nice as the Easthopes w/o putting our personal lives at risk with the Law.
Well I guess at least they weren't charged with prostitution. Says in the story that the investigation started in Dec. 2013 after an "anonymous complaint". Ten bucks says some fucktarded little asshole didn't get what he wanted (or for the price he was willing to pay) and decided to get even by calling the cops.

Great use of the cop's time, btw...spending two years investigating a rub and tug. Of course this IS Centerville we're talking about here so this might go down as the crime of the century in that little Mormon hick town (not that all the other little Mormon hick towns in Utah are much better). Meanwhile, how many kids are abused by their Scoutmaster or Deacon Quorum adviser in that sleepy little Mormon town?

I also have to wonder about any database that might have been on their computer having to do with their Fantasayers website and/or other associated events.

And yes news organizations, especially here behind the Zion Curtain, love to sensationalize any story having to do with sex because vicarious titillation is the only way a lot of people in Utah can get aroused...except for when the "hot donuts" sign at Krispy Kreme is lit.

I hope the ginormous twatwaffle who "dimed" them gets a severe case of flesh eating bacteria on his tiny dick. I for one would LOVE to find out if it was somehow one of our own here on Swingular and make it my hobby to make his life hell.
If I read the article correctly. The search warrant and arrest occurred on March 21 2014, and they showed up for court on November 30 2015. Anyone know why the delay ?
KAY_KATE wrote:

If I read the article correctly. The search warrant and arrest occurred on March 21 2014, and they showed up for court on November 30 2015. Anyone know why the delay ?

Took the investigating officers (and every other Centerville PD officer...and the fire dept., and the mayor and........ that long to each privately 'review' the 'evidence' found on their computer...and to get the haz mat team to hose down the evidence review room at the Centerville Swat Team headquarters. But luckily the public is now safe from this massive menace and Sister Smith can go to homemaking night without worrying that hubby will cruise on over for a relaxing massage while she's making some more plastic grapes for the dining room table.
Hey Everyone,

We would absolutely LOVE to get on here and tell the WHOLE story about what went down NEARLY TWO years ago and the manner in which the large squadron of police officers,(9 officers and a dog), invaded our home with GUNS DRAWN but it could possibly effect OUR case AGAINST Davis County and the Centerville Police dept.

We have had an outpouring of kind remarks and support from many of you, many of whom are our good friends here and on our Lifestyle Manor website. We appreciate it very much.

When you operate a Lifestyle business that has a following here in conservative Utah, you are bound to take some hits now and again.

If anyone out there would like to talk to us privately or if you just want to say hi, don't hesitate to text us or even call us. We would be happy to give you some of the 411. 801-971-6660

Needless to say... take what is read in the press with a grain of salt. They are just doing their job to sensationalize things, and like usual... get most of it wrong.


PS They will not scare us off from continuing to do what we have been doing for 10 years now. Throw fun lifestyle events for our friends here in Utah. We hope to see all of you that received an Invite to our XXXmas event on Dec. 19th in Salt Lake City.
In other breaking news a Weber County woman was arrested for egging cars and houses with her teenaged daughter. (And this story actually made it onto the local tv news programs.) She will quickly be found guilty of high crimes against unborn chickens and sentenced to public egging (or stoning unless the price of eggs comes down) and Northern Utah residents will be able to sleep easier knowing she and naughty massage therapists aren't running amok in their communities. Meanwhile, in other news, taxpayers are cautioned to look the other way and totally disregard the fleecing they are taking in moving the state prison 25 miles north to a barren area that rich realtors and developers have no interest in exploiting.

Was your database seized ? Are you aware of any investigations surrounding that database ? Should we watch for anyone poking around in our accounts ?

To be honest, I have had anonymous people ask, out of the blue, about yourself and Vicki. Didn't concern me at the time, maybe a little now because of the time delay.
KAY_KATE wrote:


Was your database seized ? Are you aware of any investigations surrounding that database ? Should we watch for anyone poking around in our accounts ?

No one is poking around in any accounts. Any database info exists only on the encrypted website server, not my computer. No one has access to personal info on my site, any more than they do on this site.
Other group parties have been raided by the police? On what grounds? How can they justify raiding someone's home? I am assuming it was a home party. Now you have me curious and a bit worried.
Not all parties have been raided. Sinful Saturday throws legal parties and encourage all fun and games take place at after parties.

We have been to all of the Party Hosts parties. We promote and encourage others to attend.
The funniest part about this is I (Mr) have first hand knowledge of many police officers being swingers themselves. I find a shit load of irony in how they raid parties when they themselves are involved in many of these activities.
Well, this story has made it to KSL now.

Centerville Couple Accused
voyeurism, a class B misdemeanor. Better not buy a playboy or penthouse out of salt lake and let anyone know about it. An for all who go to Southern Exposure make sure your not being fallowed by the cops.
Actually I think the voyeurism charge might stem from the allegation of taping people without their consent. Personally we couldn't care less about the other charges as what consenting adults do in private should be their business and their's alone...even if money changes hands. However, if video was taken without knowledge or consent then that part is really despicable. And yes, unfortunately it begs the question as to whether or not there has been other surreptitious recordings done at parties and events. We cut off contact with a couple we had known for many years after it was discovered that they were taking covert photographs of guests at their house parties. We would very much like to believe that this isn't the case here.
We've known both for years and they are great people. Not a fan of trying someone in the court of public opinion, especially based only on a news article.

We've known both for years and they are great people. Not a fan of trying someone in the court of public opinion, especially based only on a news article.

Nor am I, but you have to understand people's concerns when there is potential for having our little 'hobby' exposed to the public at large. Perhaps you're lucky enough to have a job that wouldn't be threatened by public exposure that you're a swinger. Not everyone is that fortunate and living in an extremely conservative state it's not unthinkable that some people could potentially face serious consequences if their swinging activities were to become widely known. Until we know for sure, we're giving them the benefit of the doubt but I stand by my statement that if taping of others occurred without their consent it is a despicable act for anyone to do and especially someone in our swinging community.
FUN4ALL208 wrote:

looks like these two were really shady? Sorry for anyone who was a victim of their actions.

I am glad Idaho has the same laws as UT regarding Massage Therapy and treating it like it should be, semi-medical therapy. Physical Therapists use massage therapists in helping injury recovery. So they should be held to high ethical standards. It's meant to bust people like this.

***Holy shit, just keep seeing link after link of similar stories. Why is this so common in UT?

I doubt anything was advertised as semi-medical therapy since they are in trouble for naughty sex stuff which we all know is gross and disgusting and people who enjoy sex should be shot and/or deported. And I seriously doubt it's that much more common in Utah than Idaho. But at least in Utah our self righteous lawmakers know the difference between the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system.

Idaho Lawmaker Doesn't Know Where Babies Come From
Well, it not the sex that has folks upset it is the lurking in a closet and recording without the knowledge of those being recorded. As we have been to many of their parties and are concerned that we may be on some such recordings.

I will meet with the proesecutor on the case next week and find out for sure if any of the parties that we have attended were recorded. I hope not. Ross assured me that he had not recorded any parties. But I simply am not willing to accept his word on it. I have to be sure.

But as a former cop, (many many moons ago) I find that the PC statements are usually accurate. Only in rare instances do they get overly creative. especially with somehthing as easily to prove as recording from closet.

We all wish to think the best of our fellow perverts. But when one crosses the line it is time to quit circling the wagons hoping to remain in their perceived inner circle as is often the case and call it what it is. Lets hope this is not the case.
I really like that this was considered such an outrage, and so bad,, that it took them months to collect evidence and stop it! If it was soooo badddd,, why let it continue ? This was/is a victimless crime,,, only ones that could possibly be harmed would be the county coffers from not recieving the licensing fees and proper taxes that should have been collected on services.
But,, this is just my opinion 2 cents worth etc.
I have bartended at Ross and Vicki's parties for years and have never seen them video or take photo's in which people were not aware of it happening.
I understand that a lot of people are worried about their info being exposed due to the police investigation, however I would like to remind everyone that in this digital age we are all at risk for anything we post or do on the internet, not long ago Ashley Madison was hacked and accounts exposed, simply by participating in this lifestyle we all have some risk of being called out. Any of these sites including this one can be hacked and the information collected leaked.
I would also like to remind everyone of a "expose" done recently by a local channel, the individual interviewed seemed like she has attended some of the parties back at the Draper Manor, as she blames Swinging for the decline in her marriage I personally wonder if she has decided to retaliate against those she feels are responsible. Being that she was in the lifestyle for some time maybe she has photo's/videos that can expose some of us.
We don't have all the facts for the current case against Ross and Vicki and I just wanted to remind everyone that there are all sorts of ways for anyone to be exposed and ask that you don't jump to conclusions and pile so much blame on these guys just because it's the most current story/drama we've heard about.
I hope that those who planned on attending the XXXmas party will still do so and not let the fear of exposure from something that really isn't related to the parties these guys host keep you away.

I really like that this was considered such an outrage, and so bad,, that it took them months to collect evidence and stop it! If it was soooo badddd,, why let it continue ? This was/is a victimless crime,,, only ones that could possibly be harmed would be the county coffers from not recieving the licensing fees and proper taxes that should have been collected on services.
But,, this is just my opinion 2 cents worth etc.

I'm curious why you don't think those videotaped in secret during a sex act are victims.
You know.. we sit here and watch to see where our friends are at times like this and it makes us wonder about the "whys"?

Why we take the risk of dipping in a gray area by throwing lifestyle events in a State that would just as soon find a way to prosecute everybody and anybody who has any involvement in such activities.

Why when we have so many people who attend our events and play with other guests, and then tell us how they go to church the following day. We have had several members of the LDS community like bishopric members, relief societies, choir leaders, primary teachers, lawyers, prosecutors, professionals, businessmen, law enforcement officers and even a judge attend our events on a regular basis and we have never cast judgement. (and still won't)

Why we are being judged by some of these same people and we have never "Outed" anyone.

Why our friends or "so-called" friends would doubt us or our history together is a wonder to us. We have invited many of you into our home and developed a very close relationship with 100s of you.

We have now done a total of 432 events in Utah, Vegas, and Vancouver and 1,000s of you have attended many of these events. This is a HUGE number of events by anyone's standards.

In 10 years, not one of our events has ever been raided by law enforcement, not once has any of our events ever been talked about in the press and not once has any guest ever complained about any of their private details being released, or leaked or anything of the sort to the outside world!

Videos found on our computer were of the two of us. We never recorded our faces in any of them and so you should be able to understand the assumption being made by the PA.

Here's our point!

With thousands of people attending our events over the past 10 years, doesn't it beg the question? Why has no-one ever come forward and mentioned that they heard about guests being recorded. Surreptitiously or otherwise. Are we that good? I guarantee you that if that were the case, we would have been found out long ago.

We will make this very clear to anyone who is listening or does not know us and even those who DO know us.... We HAVE NEVER, and will never video record any of our guests at our events! There are NO videos of anyone who has ever attended any of our events, and in fact, we have and will remove anyone from any of our events that may try to do so.

If this is not good enough for some of you.. then believe what you will.

We have always lived a certain philosophy in our lives.

"If someone has never done anything to ever hurt me personally, then there is no reason to believe that they may have,... just because someone else said so.

If you all don't see this for what it is, then you should not be in the lifestyle.

Our XXXmas Event is going ahead as planned! If you have been invited on our website.. we hope you come. Many of you will receive an Invitation here in your inbox Sunday with a link to the full details. You can delete it or you can come to an awesome, sexy, safe, event.

A special thanks to those of you who have posted here and that have had our backs.
There must be a glitch in your profile, Fantasy; the ages are showing up wrong.
So where is everyone staying for the XXXMas Party?

So where is everyone staying for the XXXMas Party?
