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Swingers Forum - Ogden Coffee/Breakfast Tomorrow (Sunday)

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We have several couples committed to coming, so it will be happening. And I'll just grab the joke about these guys always being committed to coming for myself, before someone else does it. It's 11:30AM Sunday at Jessie Jean's Coffee Beans, 5128 S 1900W, Roy, on 1900W just a bit North of 56th, or just a ways South of where Riverdale Road hits 1900. All you people who will be recovering from Saturday night parties, this will be a good way to do it with people who will understand and empathize your hangovers and/or various states of physical exhaustion.
I will be there. Sounds like a fun way to start the day.
Hubby & I plan to be there.
Well, I have to admit Jesse Jeans has great food and coffee. The company and conversation was excellent too. We need to have more informal meetups like this out this way.
I went and it was pretty full but didn't notice anyone. Will this be happening same place same time?
@MRCUMBUCKET-Yes we were there (this is Dana, Terry's wife btw)and we are planing on having theses meetings once a month (maybe more). If you plan on attending the next one, let us know and I will send you my cell number so you can text us and you will be able to find where we are sitting at. Have a great day~xoxox ~Dana
We had our Ogden coffee thing, like Dana said,and I'm thinking maybe we'll have another on Nov. 30, if not, then Dec 7. Does anyone prefer one of those dates over the other? Depending on how people feel about it, maybe we can make it a monthly thing, on the 1st Sunday of each month, or something.
TMACA wrote:

We had our Ogden coffee thing, like Dana said,and I'm thinking maybe we'll have another on Nov. 30, if not, then Dec 7. Does anyone prefer one of those dates over the other? Depending on how people feel about it, maybe we can make it a monthly thing, on the 1st Sunday of each month, or something.

let us know most the time sunday mornings are open
The only complaint we have with this is it interferes with our Bloody Mary Sunday and the Church of the NFL of Latter Day Sinner church meetings but what the hell ok maybe we can give it up one sunday a month. Hope to make it next time.
So far, looks like Nov 30, unless anyone else prefers another day. In a couple days, by this Sunday at the latest, I'll start a post with the for sure date.
TMACA wrote:

So far, looks like Nov 30, unless anyone else prefers another day. In a couple days, by this Sunday at the latest, I'll start a post with the for sure date.

sound good, was real nice to just sit and BS
When are you going to do this again? My wife and I would like to start meeting people.