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Swingers Forum - POT... Should it be illegal?

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I think a question that applies to this community as well is do you mean pot when you say you expect a couple to be drug free? I know for us this includes drug that can spread disease as well as make someone act crazy, but we don't include pot in that category.


This should be a good thread to find out who is more liberal, conservative, or libertarian.

This should be a good thread to find out who is more liberal, conservative, or libertarian.

Fuck that. I just wanna know if they're sluts.
If you have ever had pain you cannot get rid you believe it should be legal. I have had that pain. Terrible pain. Unforgiving pain. I have had dozens of kidney stones. I always have used doctors.

If I had cancer I would not care if it was legal or not.

If you have a kidney stone and no insurance and go to the emergency room the cost is $10,000. $40 of weed will give a person enough pain relief to often pass a normal stone. If a person gets caught the fine is $2500 and possibly some jail time. That fine is 1/4th the cost of one emergency room visit. The chance of getting caught is minimal.

Sadly recent research is showing there are brain abnormalities in youth that smoke four times a week for four-to-five years. Age range 18-22. That is disturbing. If that research is accurate that reason alone is enough to not use while the brain is developing. Research shows that the frontal lobe, which is the decision making part of the brain, is not fully developed until age 25.

Many people need the inexpensive pain relief it allows as does a friend of mine who has cancer and is only 28 years old.

I have no opinion on use for non-pain relief and have never used it.

Life experience and observation of others in misery expands a person's view on many things regardless of their political position.
Just because something is illegal, doesn't mean it should be. Case in point: Adultery is a crime in Utah so if you are on this site and married, (and in Utah) odds are you are committing said crime.
Nothing is illegal unless you get caught:)
The Netherlands has one of the lowest teenage pot consumption rates of any western country....and for decades, anyone over 18 has been able to walk to a shop and buy a small amount to take home, or consume there. Prohibition does not work! When alcohol was prohibited, people still drank, and the Mob thrived, just like pot prohibition has made rich powerful men out of the drug cartels. Legalize it, tax it, arrest people for driving under the influence. Just let me grow a nice plant alongside my tomatoes for my personal use!
We must face the fact that we humans are addictive by nature. There is almost nothing that exists that someone somewhere is not addicted to or does not abuse. But unless someone starts main lining cannabis it does not constitute a huge danger of passing an STD. I guess if you were passing it around you could pass something but so does shaking hands. And by the way, research notes that we pass fewer germs with a kiss than by shaking hands.

But back to the subject:

This world has grown and used cannabis products for hundreds if not thousands of years until some moralistic jerks decided it should be illegal. Rope, fine linen, and some medicines were products produced from POT.

Cannabis is less addictive than alcohol. Other than that, there is no difference between the prohibition of alcohol and the prohibition of cannabis. Everything else that you can say about the first applies to the second. Even the adds for and against are so similar that you could replace the name of the product in the add and you would think that it belonged there.

When the western governments found that cocaine in soft drinks and tooth paste was addictive they jumped to the conclusion that cannabis was also something that they should ban. Too often people jump to a conclusion out of fear and ignorance and that is what happened with pot. I wonder why we haven
Frankly, some of the best, hardest working coworkers I've had smoke pot. I'd take them over the sober ones any day of the week.
Medical use non inhaled POT NO. Any other use YES. Smoking POT is just as harmful to the lungs as cigarettes maybe even worse because of holding the smoke in for as long as possible. Any form of smoke inhalation is VERY bad for your heath!
Hey guys...Corey Feldman called and said it's not called pot anymore.
Medical use non inhaled POT NO. Any other use YES. Smoking POT is just as harmful to the lungs as cigarettes maybe even worse because of holding the smoke in for as long as possible. Any form of smoke inhalation is VERY bad for your heath!
Fuck pot, should SWINGING be illegal? I guarantee more people in the good old U.S. of A. would say swinging should be illegal than marijuana (at least medicinal weed). Technically swinging IS illegal in many places including Utah. They just don't often enforce those laws or y'all would be in prison with some kid would got caught with an ounce of Maui Wowie.

We need more militarization of the police, do away with any last semblance of due process, proceed with no-knock warrants, and gun down anyone who has the gall to resist.

Already done.

"Illegal" My girlfiend from school started in school, then went to coke, then she graduated to heroin and they found her with the needle in her arm and she was turning tricks to support her habit they should get the pushers and lock them up and throw away the keys
Sorry about your friend but those drugs were already illegal and it didn't seem to stop her from doing them...

I don't smoke or drink at all but i fuck and eat pussy and to me thats legal!!!
I am from WA and it's all legal there!


I don't smoke or drink at all but i fuck and eat pussy and to me thats legal!!!

Sodomy is actually illegal in several states...
Booze is worse. Weed should be legal.
I am all for legalizing weed.
Lived overseas for awhile and loved the easy and carefree access.
ummmmmm.....what was the question again.....
Its illegal? hmmm lol Don't matter to me until the Federal Government makes it legal. Working in the Aerospace industry we are bound by Federal Law.
Has any one realized that POT is a GMO!
I believe it should be legalized in non-inhaled medicinal form. Recreational legalization under the same guidelines as alcohol. Meaning the industry needs to research, determine and establish a set of standards so that consumers have an idea of how much they "actually" can partake of without being impaired compared to how much they "think" they can handle. Alcohol didn't have any standards in the beginning either but it didn't take long to figure out humans are terrible at policing themselves and often times it is an innocent bystander that pays the price for a users lack of self control.

We are definitely pro 420 and looking forward to when its legal. Definitely more positives than negatives when it comes to legalization but we all know the arguments. Unfortunately because of the heavy Mormon influence in this state Utah will probably be one of the last states to jump on board.

We are definitely pro 420 and looking forward to when its legal. Definitely more positives than negatives when it comes to legalization but we all know the arguments. Unfortunately because of the heavy Mormon influence in this state Utah will probably be one of the last states to jump on board.

Agree, although I was pretty shocked they allow hemp oil for medicinal now (not to mention the brief window gay marriage was "legal"). I fully believe medicinal weed will become legal overnight in Utah if some GA's wife get's cancer. Either that or they'll just obtain some for her under the table so to speak...come to think of it that's how it will happen. Illegal for the peons but obtainable for the Mormon illuminati. Prolly already is.)
Those who do not know are uneducated. Please read some University papers on cannabis, not Yayhoo headlines.
When you are educated, ONLY then should they give you a card to vote with. "Put that in your pipe and smoke it."
LOL, SIRNEWBY beat me to it. I read probably at least 2 or 3 "university studies" on an average day and half the time the science and methodology used is questionable at best. Believe what you want to believe but don't just buy into something because it has a university sticker on it. Science is wonderful but scientists are flawed like everyone else and many publish shit studies just to keep grant money coming in.
I thought the motto of the majority in Utah was 'keep big brother/government off my back'! 'no nanny state!' be consistent, and let plant users use plants in peace without fear of incarceration or fine.
ALPAL wrote:

I thought the motto of the majority in Utah was 'keep big brother/government off my back'! 'no nanny state!' be consistent, and let plant users use plants in peace without fear of incarceration or fine.

They only believe that when it comes to CERTAIN things. Do you need a list of all the things they WANT big brother/nanny/big govt. to dictate what one can and can't do?
are you saying that the holy mormon empire is populated by hypocrates?
Or Hippocrates...can never remember which.

And I have news for you. It AIN'T just the "holy mormon empire". There are more than enough hypocrites in this world to go around (most of us swingers included).
HANDM wrote:

Those who do not know are uneducated. Please read some University papers on cannabis, not Yayhoo headlines.
When you are educated, ONLY then should they give you a card to vote with. "Put that in your pipe and smoke it."

Oh man, having a hard enough time just reading profiles and holding my pipe and lighter, thats why I just send out blind friend requests, to hard to read all that legal mumbo jumbo on the profiles while I am stoned out of my gord, just want naked sexy shit baby.lol
If Alcohol is legal, Pot should be. It has basically the same affects. Ok...no it doesn't, but as long as it is regulated the same way alcohol is, there shouldn't be any reason it isn't legal.
My 2 cents
IDCPL4FUN69 wrote:

My 2 cents

LMAO. I know SO many cops, judges and lawyers who toke! And I won't even mention the legislators...and yes many of them are Mormons too. Btw, the same rule as drinking beer applies to weed. NEVER invite just ONE Mormon to go fishing or sit in your hottub. They will drink ALL your beer and smoke ALL your weed. Always invite two and they'll keep each other from violating the Word of Wisdom.
Trust me, I can almost guarantee our names are permanently embossed on those prayer rolls.

LOL, SIRNEWBY beat me to it. I read probably at least 2 or 3 "university studies" on an average day and half the time the science and methodology used is questionable at best. Believe what you want to believe but don't just buy into something because it has a university sticker on it. Science is wonderful but scientists are flawed like everyone else and many publish shit studies just to keep grant money coming in.

As a research scientist I will readily admit that I am deeply flawed. After all how can you explain my non-conformist sexual proclivities. But are scientists publishing shit studies just to get grant money? If so, where do I sign up? I have not found one of those opportunities in the 30 years of doing what I am doing. I could use some grant money about now.
We are definitely voting pro and will certainly round up peeps to vote pro too..hopefully we will have our chance one day soon


LOL, SIRNEWBY beat me to it. I read probably at least 2 or 3 "university studies" on an average day and half the time the science and methodology used is questionable at best. Believe what you want to believe but don't just buy into something because it has a university sticker on it. Science is wonderful but scientists are flawed like everyone else and many publish shit studies just to keep grant money coming in.

As a research scientist I will readily admit that I am deeply flawed. After all how can you explain my non-conformist sexual proclivities. But are scientists publishing shit studies just to get grant money? If so, where do I sign up? I have not found one of those opportunities in the 30 years of doing what I am doing. I could use some grant money about now.

I admit I was being a tad hyperbolic, ENLIGHTENED. But I stand by my assertion that MANY of the studies I read are in some way flawed and don't give an accurate representation of the hypothesis and/or conclusion. Gotta go with much of what SIRNEWBY said as well. I'd love to read some of your research though. Yes I'm a HUGE science geek.
So how does something like this get put on the ballot?
It does seem inevitable that legal pot use on a national scale may happen down the line. I worry about some of the young people that head across the border without a clear understanding of potential problems when they came back across the border. Or get pulled over while still impaired. That potential conviction can have a major impact on their life. Don't like the state by state approach on this issue. Too much misunderstanding and potential liability for those with a limited understanding of what could happen whether it be from a state trooper or a workplace drug test. Would really like to see a federal hand in establishing the legalization, along with some federal standards. Personally, I would not partake, but the liability issues need to be identified and standards established whether it be operating a vehicle to workers comp and DOT standards, think we are putting the cart before the horse a little.
If weed is legal, those that don't want to partake will not be able to restrain themselves! We all know that the only reason why everyone doesn't smoke the stuff is because is illegal...(right?)
Pot is by far safer than alcohol or ciggs and has many medical benefits as long as it's not mixed with anything else.
(mrs.) I hate it or it hates me or my body hates it.. I shiver, sweat and puke, act like I have the flu or food poison every time I have tried it... which given that I have many friends who enjoy it, have tried it a lot because it's "not the same with them" haha.. but it's been years now since I have..

This may be the case but I still think it should be legal.. haha.. for my friends... NOT ME.. EVER... ick...
I too have a very low tolerance for it. My max safe dose is around 4-5 hits. Much more after that and I'm pretty much useless (or sick) for the rest of the night. Wtf is up with a plant that people use for chemo nausea and it makes me puke?

On the other hand alcohol doesn't bother me much at all. I've come very close a few times to getting sick from too much booze but have never actually thrown up or passed/blacked out. The room might spin around for a while but no ralphing. Therein I think is the biggest difficulty legalizing marijuana. The huge range of tolerance from person to person. Alcohol, to a certain point (or course there are exceptions) is more titratable than weed. Also the vastly differing amounts of THC in different varietals.

That said, in general, I'm for legalizing pot.
Hello all you sexy adulterers.

Only smoked pot, never went to drugs. I don't even drink. Regarding pot vs. alcohol, well I do not think alcohol being worse makes pot better. Having said that when I did drink, getting behind the wheel was not always a smart choice...but I would sometimes do it anyway. And I bet some on this chain have too. When I vaporize (wonderful alternative to smoking) I sit at home and smile...that's about it. I could go on about how it helps for stress and so on but mostly...I like to get high.
What happens when a drunk pulls up to a stop sign; they run it.

What happens when someone stoned pulls up to a stop sign; they stop...and wait for it to turn green.
Regarding it making you stupid, both Bill Gates and his friend Steve Jobs admitted that they smoked pot regularly. They did LSD too but that's for a different chain.
So...how does pot affect sex?
[quote=SEXYINSALTLAKE]Here are the facts...

1. Only about 9% of marijuana users become clinically dependent, according to a study conducted by the United States Military.
2. 42% of Americans admit to using marijuana at some point in their lives.
3. Marijuana is from the same flowering plant family as hops, which is a main ingredient in beer.
4. Countless studies have proven that marijuana is much safer than alcohol and or tobacco.
5. Experts estimate that legalizing marijuana would generate 8.7 billion dollars in federal and state tax revenues.
6. 820,000 people are arrested for possession of marijuana every year, overwhelming our jails and prisons and costing American taxpayers an estimated 14 billion dollars per year.
7. A compound derived from marijuana has been proven to freeze and stop the spread of cancerous cells.
8. George Washington grew marijuana on his farm.
9. The legalization of marijuana in only 2 American States is estimated to have cost Mexican drug cartels 1.1 billion dollars.
10. 55% of voting Americans are pro-legalization.
11. Contrary to long held beliefs, marijuana triggers neurogenesis, which means brain cell growth.
12. There is zero evidence that marijuana causes significant lung damage. 
13. There are two completely different types of marijuana, (Sativa and Indica )both with different effects on the user.
14. Each day in the United States, around 6,000 new people try marijuana for the very first time.
15. By most measures, it takes 800 joints to kill a person. Fortunately, no human has ever been capable of smoking 800 joints in one sitting!
16. Marijuana aids the human brain in the production of dopamine.
17. Early marijuana prohibitionists claimed that it made white women sexually desire black men.
18. The last four presidents have all admitted to smoking cannabis.
19. Since Nixon declared the

So...how does pot affect sex?

Actually sex on weed is pretty rad, bitchin', sweet, gnarly, the bees knees....yada yada

11. = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1253627/

12. = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/23802821/
These are the United States Government's findings.

Did you know that the so called "government findings" also said that ecstasy puts holes in your brain and other studies prove that is wrong.. :D Same with the weed bro! Hahah government is corrupt and untrustworthy...
I find it interest how it can help grow brain cells yet fight cancer? seems contradictory to me.. since cancer is overgrowth of cells in layman's terms.. it must be magic and do both!!
Then again it must depend on the person!


11. = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1253627/

12. = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/23802821/
These are the United States Government's findings.

Did you know that the so called "government findings" also said that ecstasy puts holes in your brain and other studies prove that is wrong.. :D Same with the weed bro! Hahah government is corrupt and untrustworthy...

And another thing, because I feel like beating the dead cat more.. haha... If the US government says it's so great and harmless.. WHY IS IT STILL ILLEGAL FEDERALLY?!?
I'm with SHADOWING. You might say I'm shadowing SHADOWING.

I'd love to see all of these purported studies proving MJ is safer than booze and ciggies. Safer HOW, exactly? Isn't that a little bit like saying a .38 caliber bullet is safer than a .45 bullet when it goes thru your brain?

Also I'm just a TAD skeptical about the whole cancer cell/ brain cell thingy too. Seems just a might far fetched and contradictory. But what do I know? I'm only a rocket scientist not a brain cancer botanist surgeon.

Legalize pot. Fine. But don't use some spurious argument that it's a magical miracle plant that will cure ingrown toenails, AIDS and tame flyaway hair.
One thing I have learned about trying to debate on the internet is that generally speaking people have already made up their minds one way or the other. It doesn't matter how many links you provide on either side of the argument, you will not change their minds. I figure I will believe what I want based on what I have read and they can believe what they want.

I'm with SHADOWING. You might say I'm shadowing SHADOWING.

I'd love to see all of these purported studies proving MJ is safer than booze and ciggies. Safer HOW, exactly? Isn't that a little bit like saying a .38 caliber bullet is safer than a .45 bullet when it goes thru your brain?

Also I'm just a TAD skeptical about the whole cancer cell/ brain cell thingy too. Seems just a might far fetched and contradictory. But what do I know? I'm only a rocket scientist not a brain cancer botanist surgeon.

Legalize pot. Fine. But don't use some spurious argument that it's a magical miracle plant that will cure ingrown toenails, AIDS and tame flyaway hair.

And evil is right. It should be legalized, but it should have nothing to do with whether it can be used as medicine or not. All drugs should be legal because it is none of the government's business if someone does drugs or not.

One thing I have learned about trying to debate on the internet is that generally speaking people have already made up their minds one way or the other. It doesn't matter how many links you provide on either side of the argument, you will not change their minds. I figure I will believe what I want based on what I have read and they can believe what they want.

Only on the internet?!!?

Shadowingwhispers - Not really "So called" government findings due to the fact that those links are to a government website (Hence the ".gov") But, I'm sure you are right about the corruption, and their release of all this mis-information is just a clever ruse to try and take your guns away.
Evildoers - Those studies are posted in the links I put on here. But, you should stick to trusting the pharmaceutical companies as opposed to mother nature. FYI.. There are roughly 88,000 alcohol related deaths per year in the U.S. and 480,000 tobacco related deaths compared to relatively zero marijuana related deaths.

You think I trust big pharma?!!? OMFG! I trust fat little pimply basement dwelling WoW warriors more than I trust big pharma. In fact if you listed ALL the things in this world that might make one raise an eyebrow when it comes to trust big pharma would be at the bottom. They'd actually be about 30 well spaced spaces BELOW the bottom.
Hi everyone,
Regarding being a gateway drug, well my thoughts are if someone with an addictive personality starts smokig pot or drinking or dropping acid, chances are they will graduate to crazier drugs. I've smoked pot but that's it. Ive never done anything else. I don't even drink. I know that's not always the case though. Regarding it's health benefits, well I suppose you could prove it helpful or harmful depending on the end user. Vitamin C is helpful but it can also kill you if you take too much (no cases of death with MJ but I am sure someone will debate that). It's pretty clear at this point that Cannabidiol has been proven to reduce or even stop seziures. BUT...that's not pot. It's a derivative pf pot. It still shows that there are medical uses for it.

Great chain everyone. No ones yelling, everyone is just posting input.


One thing I have learned about trying to debate on the internet is that generally speaking people have already made up their minds one way or the other. It doesn't matter how many links you provide on either side of the argument, you will not change their minds. I figure I will believe what I want based on what I have read and they can believe what they want.

Only on the internet?!!?

I don't debate people in real life. I prefer to do my time wasting online. Unless it was with my ex wife. Then it wouldn't matter if I was right or not, I always lost in one way or another.
And evil is right. It should be legalized, but it should have nothing to do with whether it can be used as medicine or not. All drugs should be legal because it is none of the government's business if someone does drugs or not. [/quote]

If you substitute "fully automatic machine guns" in place of "drugs" in your argument would you feel the same way?? There is a reason we need to regulate things that one person could misuse to adversely affect another person. whether that is by restricting the sale of full auto weapons to those who qualify for a class 3 firearms permit or setting up standards for strength and dosage of marijuana. I stated earlier that I don't have a problem legalization of pot, I simply believe it needs to be standardized first for the safety of everyone.
TJ69NAZ wrote:

And evil is right. It should be legalized, but it should have nothing to do with whether it can be used as medicine or not. All drugs should be legal because it is none of the government's business if someone does drugs or not.

TJ69NAZ wrote:

If you substitute "fully automatic machine guns" in place of "drugs" in your argument would you feel the same way?? There is a reason we need to regulate things that one person could misuse to adversely affect another person. whether that is by restricting the sale of full auto weapons to those who qualify for a class 3 firearms permit or setting up standards for strength and dosage of marijuana. I stated earlier that I don't have a problem legalization of pot, I simply believe it needs to be standardized first for the safety of everyone.

I have a feeling that if someone does "fully automatic machine guns" (assuming they are small enough) that it would be kind of painful, with all that metal and chafing. But if thats what they are into then more power to them.

To take your statement more seriously, I have no problem with someone owning that kind of weapon. If someone tried to use that weapon to take away someone's life, liberty or their ability to pursue their happiness (which is a routine action of the police and government agents) then I would have a problem. You see you are delving into an area in which I (as well as Steven Spielberg) like to call pre-crime - arresting someone for a crime they didn't commit. We had to of course assume that they would, because the unknown is just too damn scary.

But that is neither here nor there. We are talking about a plant. But WATCH OUT!! It's gonna get ya! If you don't want it, then don't use it. But don't rob someone else of their freedom to choose for themselves. I don't even think it should be standardized. There are thousands of different kinds of plants with differing degrees of what makes it do what it does. Just package it, label it, put a warning sticker on it if it makes you feel better and let people decide what to buy for themselves. People are more than welcome to ask a doctor for more information if they are unsure. Then they once again have the freedom to choose to follow his advice or not. If something bad happens then that is their own fault. We are not babies, well at least I'm not, we don't need to be force fed this so called safety because it's for our own good.

/end rant.
[b]The 2013 data from Colorado has not even been submitted to FARS, and will not be until late December 2014. The 2013 data is critical since it is the only data that reflects the impact of recreational legalization, since Colorado legalized marijuana in 2012.

Colorado traffic fatalities have gone down since 2007, but they went up in 2012. More to the point, Colorado traffic fatalities between 2007 and 2012 involving operators testing positive for marijuana use increased 100 percent over that period
On a side note none of the air that we breathe is clean anyway so maybe we need to outlaw all carbon monoxide emissions. . . For the safety of everyone of course.
Ill go on record with a simple answer to the op. I think pot should be legalized, even if there are restrictions about when and where and how much folks can have
If someone drives impaired and then kills someone because of it, they have just committed a serious crime. They took someone life. They should be punished SEVERELY.

Bored explain to me what good it is going to do me to know that the guy that got stoned and killed me is going to be "punished SEVERLY"? Your argument is that it's ok unless you get caught but in your example an innocent life had to be taken first so where is the justice for that person. I shouldn't have used a weapon as an example earlier so let's try this one. Substitute Alcohol for pot since they are both very similar. You don't just get punished if you kill another person while driving impaired (alcohol) you get punished if you're caught driving impaired period. In order to punish said impaired driver there has to be an established standard for what constitutes impaired such as a blood alcohol level. All I'm saying is that there needs to be some sort of standardization for marijuana so that (1) People have a way to measure when they are to impaired to drive and (2)So that the police have a set standard to punish those that choose to risk innocent lives by choosing to drive impaired before hey kill somebody.

Shadowingwhispers - Not really "So called" government findings due to the fact that those links are to a government website (Hence the ".gov") But, I'm sure you are right about the corruption, and their release of all this mis-information is just a clever ruse to try and take your guns away.
Evildoers - Those studies are posted in the links I put on here. But, you should stick to trusting the pharmaceutical companies as opposed to mother nature. FYI.. There are roughly 88,000 alcohol related deaths per year in the U.S. and 480,000 tobacco related deaths compared to relatively zero marijuana related deaths.

Hahaha when there is lack in sense to prove otherwise you bring on the extreme have nothing to do with what we are talking about argument! Works out well for politicians :) said my peace. . Agree with evil! Don't try and make it this holier than thou drug. Legalize it, as with everything there are dangers even nature :) lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Mother nature is never dangerous ;)
When you take into consideration that tobacco kills 400,000 annually and liquor has also contributed to thousands of deaths, marijuana is relatively harmless. No one has ever died from over doesing on pot. Side effects are Happy, Sleep, and Hungry. I think it should be legal.
Humans are addictive by nature. Being overweight is just a form of addiction. Being overweight kills more people every year than anything to do with pot and that includes guns, other drugs, cars or any other cause of death connected to pot. It would make sense to criminalize fat and regulate it by the gram? Don
Just because you have never heard of such stories do not mean they don't exist.. I had am ex who was hit me even while high. Friends who drove and crashed and sent people to hospitals while high. It can do many good things if we would just legalize it but there needs to be a way to detect and measure just as alcohol has that system because it still impairs your reality. Just as some medications do they say do not drive or operate machinery. There is a method to the madness.. it is harmful to your lungs and brain.. just as it makes me violently ill.. T.v. is harmful to your brain too.. so is junk food to your body.. moderation is a beautiful thing. Don't be fooled. Don't smoke n drive! Be responsible with your weed and it's all good.
FUN4ALL208 wrote:

Yeah, like I said, 13yrs as a police officer and pot was never a contributing factor in any of my assault calls. Coincidence doesn't = causation. I am sorry that you were hit by your ex, but I think he would have done it regardless of the pot. A AAA and Progressive insurance study found that "high drivers" actions were near identical to that of sober drivers, driving them to conclude that a person who uses weed would not see an increase in premiums nor would they have claims denied as a result. Furthermore the CEO for Progressive insurance went out and endorsed legalization for a couple reasons. A)if you take it from the black-market, people were twice as likely to NOT become addicted to opiate pain killers, thus creating safer drivers and B) It takes money out of the criminal's hands and back into a secure economy. I thought that was a pretty bold thing of him to do.

The problem with measuring it in the body of say a fat person is that it causes many errors. Not to mention it only measures the micrograms in the system which don't equal intoxication. Which is how we determine it with alcohol currently. I think you will see a push for technology to catch up to provide that mechanism, but it isn't there yet and can really fuck with people's lives by wrongly convicting them of intoxication. I think using a field sobriety test would be a little better. But honestly, I had people I could tell had smoked weed and they nailed the sobriety tests. Walk n turn, finger to nose, horizontal gaze..everything.

hmmmm almost a year without being hit and then he started smoking and it happened.. that's a big coincidence.. ANYWHO...

Impairment of any kind can be dangerous.. You're right, the technology isn't there, yet. It would be interesting to see studies done with driving and smoking.

SimplyRed- you're smart and know how to have fun! :) That's it, most people just need to plan ahead if you're going to do that.. Impaired driving is reckless driving. <3
FUN4ALL208 wrote:

Hey here is the bigger question.... will there be less "whiskey dicks" when the action starts? I personally love to fuck stoned. DOH!

Hahah.. Mr has never had a problem even with alcohol.. but I have heard from friends that sex is amazing high.. We shall never know!
Not proud to say I've driven after having too much to drink a couple of times. Shouldn't have done so but I was just drunk enough to think I could totally do it. Wasn't caught, made it home safely. Drove under the influence of pot ONCE. The first time I ever did pot. Got really high. Fucked. Fell asleep for 2 or 3 hours decided I felt fine...or at least not high anymore and drove home down Parley's Canyon at about 4 in the morning. About half way down Ms. Evil asked if I was okay and I said, "Yes, why do you ask?" She said it was because I was driving in the middle lane going about 35 miles per hour. I may be the exception but I SERIOUSLY doubt that "high drivers" actions (are) near identical to sober drivers.
Get in between me and my Krispy Kremes and I'm gonna go Walter White all over yer ass!
I'm almost more worried about how many people are now completely dependent on Ambien and take it like candy. Also, there are a lot of people chronically taking benzodiazepines and have no clue as to the half life of most of them. They're effectively walking (driving?) around impaired 24/7.

Go see what happens when the Pubs close in Clifton Ireland. A fleet of mini buses cruise the streets picking up the hoards of people looking for a ride home and you see next to nobody in a car on the streets. The fair is very reasonable and the social scene is fun and amorous in the buses. Granted Clifton is not a big city but the concept is a good one. People that live in town just walk.

Most European countries don
Just wondering how this state would be able to brand their warning lables on the little package weed would come in, maybe they would have to sell it by the ounce her so they could put the ( caution this beverage contains alcohol ) brand on the beer package so all the mormons would know it is bad for them. Or is it so all thier friends could see they bought alcohol.
Caution this naturally grown hearb could get you high.lol
Damn..the more we read this forum the more we want to get stoned...just sayin ..lol
That only happened ONCE and I told you that I was just trying to explain the difference between fishnets and a fishing net!
Can this thread die yet??
It will NEVER die. It's ALIVE!!! Mwah ha ha ha haaaaaaa!
8 pages later I vote lets burn all the pot lets all get high and then we will have no pot to legalize and I won't be irratated by this thread:)
A nice cold one helps sooth the throat so maybe there a happy middle ground.
This all may be moot as using weed may end up being the only economically viable method to get a little buzz after work or on the weekends. There continues to be talk about raising liquor prices (for various reasons du jour) despite the fact that the cost in liquor stores is already a mandatory 86% markup.

Raising Liquor Prices
I don't use pot or other drugs; I don't smoke; and I don't drink (but for wine with dinner). The reason is not for legal issues. I want to be in control of my body when doing anything; especially sex. I don't need pot to get ready for sex. I don't need booze to get ready for sex; I don't need to smoke to enjoy sex. SEX is my addiction of choice.